
Through Fire And Flood

A black history month poem

Africans, scattered far and wide,Carrying their heritage, their culture deep inside,From the motherland they roamed, in search of better days,With a longing in their hearts, for their roots and ancient ways.

In foreign lands they’ve settled, building homes and lives,But the memories of their homeland, they hold dear,The rhythms of their music, the stories they relate,Keep the culture of their people alive and vibrant.

They’ve woven themselves into their new homes,Embracing all that’s different, making it their OWN.Their love for their families, their heritage and pride,Is a testament to their resilience, and their will to survive.

Through fire and flood, they’ve come so far,Overcoming adversity, like a bright shining star.With courage and strength, they’ve built a new life,A world of opportunity, free from strife.

So let us celebrate their journey,Their strength and courage, a symbol of hope for the future,For in their courage and their spirit, we see the beauty of a people,With a rich and vibrant culture, a legacy we should always treasure.

Written with pride by,Sonia Swalhe

Black History Month is a time to celebrate the rich and diverse contributions of Africans to the world. From the struggle for freedom and civil rights, to the arts, sciences, and politics, Africans have left a lasting impact on our society. This month is an opportunity to reflect on the strength, resilience, and courage of a people who have overcome slavery, discrimination, and oppression. It is a time to honour and pay tribute to the many trailblazers, activists, and leaders who have paved the way for future generations. By acknowledging and celebrating Black History, we can continue to progress towards a more inclusive and just society where all people.

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